You may have had some surprises and doubts about our surfboards. Here we will introduce it by answering some questions.

Is it rideable? 
  • Yes, you can actually enjoy surfing with it.
What is it made of?
  • More paper materials are used and less plastic materials.
Why use cardboard?
  • We currently use it in consideration of processing, weight, and price with available materials. However, in the future, we may use another materials.
Why use plastic material for rails?
  • The other materials were also considered, but Styrofoam was selected for processing and weight considerations. The rails are designed for processing convenience and for actual use as play equipment. Again, another material may be used in the future.
Is that a vent plug on the board?
  • Yes. Because of the hollow structure. The internal air expands and shrinks by changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. This plug allows air but not water.
Is it light weight?
  • Approximately 2.2 kg with fins. Probably it is lightweight in a normal surfboard. As a remarkable point, it feels lighter in the water because of its rich floating power.
Is it soft? 
  • It may feel harder than a normal surfboard. However, the transparent part at the hollow structure is soft.
What kind of riding can we do with it?
  • Depending on the person, the timing of catching the surf and the control of board may be different.
  • The design is intended to catch the surf quickly and make the control lighter.
Does it break?
  • There is no problem if the surf is 3 or 4 feet on the sandy beach.
  • Dumping surf can cause damage, especially near the shallow water.
Water does not enter? 
  • Water does not get into the surfboard when enjoying normal surfing. However, if the surfboard contacts something hard such as rocks or coral reefs, it will get damage and water get in. 
  • If the vent plug is not closed properly, water will enter inside from there.
Does it last longer?
  • It is important that you understand the handling precautions.
  • After use, dew condensation occurs inside by temperature differences. Condensation gradually disappears, but moisture may remain on the cardboard material. The cardboard containing moisture will be softened, so it can last for a long time by drying it enough.
How to repair if the board is damaged?
  • When you found that water came inside during play, stop playing immediately. Make a hole on the damaged area to get rid of any water and make it dry completely. And then close the hole. By stopping play immediately, the cardboard inside will not be damaged much, and can be repaired and used again.
Does the colour change?
  • In addition to cardboard, paper material is used and can be white by the flow of moist air.
How to keep it?
  • After use, dry it enough in the sunshade because there is moisture inside. 
  • When carrying, it is best to put it in a case to avoid damage.
The following verification was mainly performed at the Industrial Technology Centre in Japan.
  1. Condensation cycle test
  2. High temperature test
  3. Low air pressure test
  4. Strength test
  5. Temperature and humidity cycle test
  6. Thermal cycle test
  7. Thermal shock cycle test
  8. Waterproof pressure resistance (hose) test
Component and Handling precautions are attached to this page, so please refer to them.

That is all of the overview.
As they say, "seeing is believing", it is easy to understand when you actually see it. Also, if you have time, we recommend you a test ride.
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